Let Jesus solve your problems

When we are confronted with problems in our lives, we tend to try to solve them on our own. We can spend hours or even days thinking about the problem and how we might solve it and still don’t get any step closer to the solution. And then, when we are so frustrated about the situation, we finally remember that we could pray and ask God for help. How about bringing our problems to God in the first place?

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4,16

Through Jesus death and resurrection we now have free access to our heavenly Father. This means we can enter God’s throne room anytime and let him know our wishes and concerns. There we find grace, mercy and help. Instead of solving our problems on our own, we should bring them to Jesus. In 1st Peter 5,7 it says, we should cast all our anxieties on Jesus, because he cares for us. Problems cause us to worry and that’s why we should bring them to Jesus, so he can solve them for us. His possibilities and his abilities aren’t restricted as ours are. Jesus is never helpless nor frustrated. By telling Jesus what the problem is and asking him to handle it, we give them into his hands. You can say: Jesus, this is a problem afflicting me and I don’t know how to solve it. But you can solve it. I ask you to handle this problem and solve it for me. When you realise you’re thinking about the problem again, just say: I gave this problem into Jesus’ hands. He handles it. It’s no longer my problem but his and he will get it out of the way.

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2. Corinthians 4,17-18

Things that are seen are not eternal, but things that are unseen are eternal. You can see your problems, but be assured they are temporary. Trust that Jesus will solve your problems. Jesus is eternal and his blessings are eternal too. Are you single even though you don’t want to be? You can see that you’re single, but Jesus is already working on turning your being single into being in a relationship and that you will meet your future spouse. Is your bank account empty? You can see that no money is there but it’s temporary. Jesus is your provider and his provision is eternal. He’s already working on filling your pantry and leading you to victory. Are you sick? You can see the sickness but Jesus is your healer and he paid for your healing at the cross. Your healing and your breakthrough are already on their way to you. Whatever your problem is, hand it over to Jesus so that he can handle it and solve it for you. Let Jesus solve your problems, fix your eyes not on what you see but on Jesus and his word.

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